Capt. John 10 Hour Offshore Sunday September 4, 2016
Captain Johnny Williams once again headed up the Capt. John’s 10 hour offshore trip. He took the 78 to platforms up to 28 miles to the East of the island.
As has been the usual of late the Atlantic spadefish numbers caught topped the list. Also as usual at the platforms in this general area of the gulf red snapper are abundant. When caught they are quickly released alive to fight another day. While the spadefish numbers were down from yesterday the bonnethead numbers were up, as were some of the others.
When the fishing was done, these species and numbers joined up for the run back to Galveston’s Pier 19:
438 Atlantic spadefish
74 Bonnethead shark
14 Spanish mackerel
3 Atlantic sharpnose shark
6 Bluerunner
5 Lady fish
6 Bluefish
18 Gulf trout
See you on the Capt. John!
Patrick Lemire